
Comms-care are a leading UK based channel-first IT services provider,
accelerating the growth of AWS Partners in the Commercial and Public sectors.


Understanding what a move to AWS would look like for your end customers and making sure they are ready


Working with your end-customer to plan their AWS migration, and paying the technical foundation ready for workload migrations


Migrating your end-customers workloads into AWS and making their cloud journey become a reality.

Our AWS Global Coverage and Services Regions
  1. UK-based CoE (Comms-Care)
  2. US-based CoE (Ingram Micro US)
  3. BR-based CoE (BR Link Brazil)
  4. India Global Remote Delivery Centre (Ingram Micro)
AWS Services Catalog
Assessment Services

Determining agility, productivity, sustainability and total cost of ownership.

Migrate Services

Making the AWS journey become a reality through workload migration.

Deployment Services

Enabling the foundational deployment of AWS services, driving the future adoption of live workloads

Optimisation Services

Driving an optimised AWS environment through cost efficiency, environment security and compliance, alignment to industry good practices.

Managed Services

Ensuring the ongoing smooth operation of your AWS cloud environment.

Learn more about what we offer
“From a competitive standpoint, we can say ‘yes’ in scenarios where we previously would have had to say ‘no’. Comms-care Services absolutely allows us to take on more AWS business in a shorter timeframe.”

Matthew Gregg

Integration Partner

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